
Clematis vines are climbing shrubs or herbaceous perennial plants with beautiful flowers in a rich variety of hues. Besides attractive flowers, many varieties can also boast quite a remarkable seedheads. They offer endless possibilities for enhancing the landscape, but in order to achieve the best results, it's vital to learn about their requirements. Close attention should also be given to selecting the right cultivars as well as to careful preparation of the site. The effort will certainly pay off, as the plants may grow abounding with flowers for many years to come, rewarding us with their growing fullness and lushness.
There are known over three thousand of large-flowered Clematis varieties, among which a few dozen are of Polish origin. More than a dozen of them have gained worldwide appraisal and recognition and are cultivated in millions of gardens all over the world in many countries in Europe, both Americas, Asia, Australia and Oceania, e.g.: Clematis 'Niobe' (W. Noll), Clematis 'Generał Sikorski' (W. Noll), Clematis 'Polish Spirit' (S. Franczak), Clematis 'Jan Paweł II' (S. Franczak), Clematis 'Błękitny Anioł' (S. Franczak), Clematis 'Kardynał Wyszyński' (S. Franczak), Clematis 'Warszawska Nike' (S. Franczak), Clematis 'Kacper' (S. Franczak), Clematis 'Westerplatte' (S. Franczak), Clematis 'Emilia Plater' (S. Franczak), Clematis 'Monte Cassino' (S. Franczak) and Clematis 'Matka Urszula Ledóchowska' (S.Franczak).
目前已知的大花铁线莲品种超过3000种,其中有数十种是产自波兰的。它们中间很多品种获得了世界各地的评价和认可,并在全世界如欧洲、南北美洲、亚洲、澳大利亚和大洋洲的许多国家的数以百万计的花园中栽培。例如,Clematis 'Niobe', Clematis 'Generał Sikorski', Clematis 'Polish Spirit', Clematis 'Jan Paweł II', Clematis 'Błękitny Anioł', Clematis 'Kardynał Wyszyński', Clematis 'Warszawska Nike', Clematis 'Kacper', Clematis 'Westerplatte', Clematis 'Emilia Plater', Clematis 'Monte Cassino', Clematis 'Matka Urszula Ledóchowska'等。
Among new beautiful Polish cultivars, raised by S.Franczak, receiving international approval and awards are: Clematis 'Anna Karolina' - long-flowering, with white flowers and purple anthers, Clematis 'Bałtyk' with purple-lilac flowers; Clematis 'Dominika' with pale blue flowers; Clematis 'Dorota' with violet-blue flowers; Clematis 'Fryderyk Chopin' - gray-blue flowers with curvy edged tepals; Clematis 'Matka Siedliska' - large white flowers - double on previous year's wood in May-June, single, slightly pinkish on new growth in July-August; Clematis 'Solina' - long and profusely flowering with lilac-rose flowers; Clematis 'Sympatia' - large, rosy-mauve, wavy edged flowers and Clematis 'Syrena' with pruple-red flowers. 
Clematis 'Anna Karolina’ 开花时间长,白色的花朵,紫色的花药
Clematis 'Bałtyk' 淡紫色花朵
Clematis 'Dominika' 淡蓝色花朵
Clematis 'Dorota' 蓝紫色花朵
Clematis 'Fryderyk Chopin' 蓝灰色花朵,边缘曲状的花被
Clematis 'Matka Siedliska' 白色的大花- 5-6月份 ,在老枝上开重瓣花,7-8月份在新枝上开单瓣花
Clematis 'Solina'  玫瑰紫色花朵,花期长,开花繁茂。
Clematis 'Sympatia 淡紫红色的波浪形大花
Clematis 'Syrena' 紫红色花朵
The number of Polish Clematis cultivar is constantly growing. In 2001 Sz. Marczyński registered Clematis 'Barbara' with intense pink flowers; Clematis 'Hania'- velvety purple-red tepals with a pale pink margin; Clematis 'Julka' - velvety violet flowers with a deep-purple-red central bar. They were awarded gold, bronze and silver medals respectively at the Plantarium 2002 Trade Show in Boskoop in Holland. 
In 2004 Sz. Marczyński also registered 'Jerzy Popiełuszko', with silky white flowers, 'Lech Wałęsa' with large,blue-violet flowers with a paler bar, 'Solidarność' with bright red flowers and 'Polonez' with wine red flowers, which won acclaim at the Plantarium 2005 Trade Show in Boskoop, Holland. 'Jerzy Popiełuszko' and 'Lech Wałęsa' were awarded gold medals, and 'Solidarność' and 'Polonez' received silver and bronze medals respectively. 'Bieszczady', 'Mazowsze' and 'Mazury', registered and introduced to the market in 2006, are the newest Polish cultivars. 
源自于波兰的铁线莲品种数目持续增加。在2001年,Sz. Marczyński 注册了三个铁线莲品种,其中包括带有深粉色花朵的Clematis 'Barbara',有着紫红色柔软被片,边缘呈浅粉红色的Clematis 'Hania',带有紫色柔软花朵,深紫红星中央条纹的Clematis 'Julka'。这三个品种在2002年荷兰的品种展示会上分别获得冠亚季军。2004年,Sz. Marczyński又注册了'Jerzy Popiełuszko'-柔白色花朵,'Lech Wałęsa'-蓝紫色大花带有白色星条纹,'Solidarność-鲜红色花朵和'Polonez'-酒红色花朵。其中在2005年的荷兰品种展示会上,'Jerzy Popiełuszko' 和 'Lech Wałęsa'获得金奖,'Solidarność'和 'Polonez'分别获得银奖和铜奖。在2006年,'Bieszczady', 'Mazowsze' 和 'Mazury'作为最新波兰品种的铁线莲注册并进入市场。
Encycloapedia of plants comprises short characteristics of over one hundred of the most valuable and popular large-flowered, herbaceous and perennial clematis. It's worthwhile to remember that the majority of double flowered cultivars produce double flowers only during the early blooming in May-June, on previous year's wood, whereas flowers borne on new shoots are single, and may have a slightly different color. The prominent exceptions include Clematis 'Kiri Te Kanawa', Clematis 'Blue Light', Clematis 'Multi Blue' and Clematis 'Purpurea Plena Elegans' from the Viticella Group, that bear double flowers on both old and new growth.
植物百科全书包括了一百多种珍贵流行的多年生草本大花铁线莲的少量典型特征。值得注意的是,大量的重瓣铁线莲品种只在5-6月的早花期在老枝上开重瓣花,而在新枝上开单瓣花,这些单瓣花的颜色也有轻微的不同。但是,Clematis 'Kiri Te Kanawa', Clematis 'Blue Light', Clematis 'Multi Blue'和Clematis 'Purpurea Plena Elegans'是其中的例外,在他们的新枝和老枝上都开重瓣花。
Herbaceous clematis form an interesting, though not widely spread, group of climbers. Though of smaller flower stature, in full bloom masses of flowers give a spectacular display. Most of the varieties (e.g. Clematis alpina, Clematis macropetala, the Atragene Group and Clematis montana) start blossoming in late April - early May, that is 2 to 4 weeks earlier than the earliest flowering large-flowered hybrids. Many have lower growth and culture requirements, for instance cultivars from the Atragene Group, the Tangutica Group and the Vitalba Group have hardy stems, while clematis from the Tangutica Group will tolerate poorer soil and much drier conditions than any other varieties from the genus. 
草本铁线莲是一种十分有趣但是分布不广的一种铁线莲。虽然花朵很小,但是在很多铁线莲一起开花时,景象十分壮观。大多数品种(如Clematis alpina, Clematis macropetala, the Atragene Group and Clematis montana)在4月底5月初开始开花,比最早花期的杂交大花铁线莲早2-4星期。有许多品种对种植和生长的环境要求很低,如一些属the Atragene Group, the Tangutica Group 和 the Vitalba Group的铁线莲品种,拥有耐寒的茎,其中属the Tangutica Group的铁线莲品种能够比其他任何属的铁线莲品种更加耐贫瘠的土壤和干旱的环境。
·         The Atragene Group assembles cultivars created by selective breeding and crosses between the mountain clematis species flowering in early spring i.e.: 
·         The Atragene Group中的品种是用在早春开花的高山铁线莲杂交培育而成,例如,Clematis alpina, Clematis chiisanensis, Clematis faurieri, Clematis koreana, Clematis macropetala, Clematis ochotensis, Clematis sibirica 和Clematis turcestanica 这些品种能长到2-3.5米。可爱的是尽管在4-6月能在老枝上开出美丽的小花,但是偶尔也会在夏天7-8月在新枝上开出花朵。
Clematis alpina, Clematis chiisanensis, Clematis faurieri, Clematis koreana, Clematis macropetala, Clematis ochotensis, Clematis sibirica and Clematis turcestanica. They grow up to 2-3,5 m. Charming, though small flowers are borne on old wood during April-June, and occasionally in summer, on new growth, during July-August. 
In summer and autumn plants carry most decorative silky seedheads. No pruning is required, but if they grow out of the alloted space, you may cut it back any time after bloom is spent in the autumn. They thrive best in neutral or slightly alkaline moderately moist and well drained soils, in semi-shade. Ideal for growing over low fences or scrambling over rocks and old stumps, clambering through shrubs and trees. They make good ground cover and are suitable for container growing. 
·         Cultivars: 'Albina Plena', 'Ballet Skirt', 'Betina', 'Blue Bird', 'Brunette', 'Cecile', chiisanensis 'Lemon Bells', 'Constance', 'Frances Rivis', 'Frankie', 'Jan Lindmark', 'Lagoon', 'Maidwell Hall', 'Markham's Pink', ochotensis, 'Pamela Jackman', 'Pink Flamingo', 'Purple Spider', 'Rosy O'Grady', 'Ruby', sibirica, 'White Swan', 'Willy'. 
·         Clematis crispa - Curly Clematis A climbing perennial species native to the southeast parts of the USA. Very unusual bell-shaped nodding flowers are borne on long stalks. Pale blue to violet-blue sepals have recurving tips. Slightly fragrant flowers are followed by decorative shapely seedheads that, with their pointed tips, bear a passing resemblance to a hedgehog. Requires hard pruning. It looks particularly striking when planted in a sunny spot and allowed to clamber through small deciduous or coniferous shrubs. Suitable for container growing. Recommended especially to garden connoisseurs. 
·         Clematis crispa- Curly Clematis 原产于美国东南部的一种多年生攀援植物。非常罕见的铃状低垂花朵着生在长长的主茎上。淡蓝色与蓝紫色相间的萼片尖端反卷。花朵带有淡淡的清香,形状美观有装饰性的果实的顶端尖尖的,如刺猬。这类铁线莲要求强剪。种植在阳光充足的环境中并允许其攀爬在落叶树木或松类灌木之间,会显得格外引人注目。适合容器栽培,特别推荐给园艺种植家.
·         Clematis flammula. A strong-growing climber, up to 5 m high, forming a dense tangle of glabrous stems clothed with bright green leaves. From July to October loose panicles of small (3 cm across), pure white, star-shaped, sweetly scented flowers are abundantly scattered over the whole plant, followed in autumn and winter by silky seedheads. Best grown in sunny, warm and sheltered positions. 
·         Clematis flammula.是一种生长健壮的攀爬者,可以爬到高5米的地方,密集光滑的树干上缠绕着鲜绿色浓密的叶子。6-10月开放圆锥状花序,有香甜花香的白色星状小花(花径3cm)布满整棵植株,到了秋天和冬天,变成丝状般的果实。这类铁线莲的最佳种植条件为阳光充足,温暖且有庇护的环境。
·         Clematis florida .A unique species with very original flowers: white with a greenish stripe on the reverse of the sepals and dark purple-black stamens. In autumn flowers turn green. Blossoms are produced only on new wood from June to September. Since it's not fully hardy, it's best grown in a warm sunny and wind sheltered position e.g. on a wall facing south. It also requires good protection in winter. Thrives best in moist well drained soil. Best suited for cultivation in containers that are transferred in winter to a cold room with the temperature between 0C and 5C. 
·         Clematis florida 是一种稀有的铁线莲品种,有着非常原始的花朵:白色花朵,在萼片的反面带有绿色的条纹,雄蕊呈深紫黑色。到了秋天,花会变为绿色。从6月-9月只会在新枝上开花。鉴于这类植物不是特别的坚强,所以适合生长在温暖的阳光下和有避风的地方,如可种植与朝南的墙壁上。当然在冬天仍然需要很好的保护。在微湿和排水较好的土壤中会茁壮成长。适合种植在容器中方便冬天到来时转移到0-5摄氏度的冷房间中。
The most valuable cultivars are: Clematis florida var. flore-pleno with double white flowers and Clematis florida var. sieboldiana with creamy-white flowers and a deep red-purple central eye. 
·         其中最珍贵的品种是:带有白色重瓣花的 Clematis florida var. flore-pleno 和带有奶白色花,中间为深紫红色的Clematis florida var. sieboldiana。
·         Clematis japonica - Japanese Clematis. 
·         A Japanese variety with most unusual nodding flowers: shiny, bell-shaped, deep brown-red in color, borne single or in panicles on long stalks. No pruning required. Thrives in warm sunny positions, sheltered from cold winds. Best planted among other plants and allowed to meander through small deciduous or coniferous shrubs. Recommended especially to garden connoisseurs. 
·         Clematis japonica - Japanese Clematis. 
·         一种来自日本的品种有着很不常见的低垂的花朵:有光泽,铃状且头朝下,深咖啡红,在茎上长出单瓣花或圆形花簇。不需要修剪。适合在温暖,有阳光并在能避冷风的地方生长。最好种植在其他植物中间,适合盘绕在落叶树木或松类灌木丛中。尤其推荐给园艺种植家。
·         Clematis montana var. rubens - Anemone clematis; Indian's virgin's bower. A popular free-flowering species of vigorous, often rampant growth, with stems up to 8 m long. During May and June a mass of rosy-mauve flowers, abundantly scattered over the whole plant, can last as long as a few weeks. Unfortunately flower buds and sometimes stems tend to freeze during severe winters. Another very attractive cultivar of this species is 'Freda'. Although less vigorous, it's appreciated for its lovely cherry-rose flowers and purple-green leaves. 
·         Clematis montana var. rubens - Anemone clematis; Indian's virgin's bower. 这是一种分布广泛的,自由开花的品种,生长旺盛,茎杆能长到8米长。在5,6月间,淡紫红色的花开满整株植物,开花时间长达几个星期。但是,在严寒的冬天,花苞和树干会受冻。另外一种十分吸引人的品种是Freda。 虽然这个品种的生命力不是那么顽强,但是它以其樱桃红的花朵和紫绿色的叶子,受到了不少青睐。
·         Clematis montana var. wilsonii is a vigorous grower blooming in white from June till July. Aforementioned varieties can be grown only in sheltered positions, in a milder microclimate. 
·         Clematis montana var. wilsonii 是一种在6,7月开花的生命力旺盛的品种,开白花。
·         上述的几个品种只能在温和,受保护的小环境下生长。
·         Clematis rehderiana. A species native to west China. Unusual, sweetly scented bell-shaped flowers of pale yellow with recurving tips are borne in large bunches during September - October. Leaves are composed of 5-9 leaflets with attractive prominent veining. Hard pruning recommended. Thrives best in well drained soil in full sun. Particularly useful for growing over fences, nettings, trellises, arbors, pergolas and other garden supports, or medium sized trees and shrubs. Recommended especially to garden connoisseurs. 
·         Clematis rehderiana. 这是一种源于中国西部的品种。与众不同的是,在9-10月,会开出大量的带有香甜芳香的浅黄色,铃状反卷花朵。叶子是由5-9片带有吸引人注意的显著脉络的小叶组成。建议强修剪。最佳生长环境:排水好的土壤,充足的阳光。可以栽种于篱笆,网状物,棚架,藤架和其他园艺支持物上,或者可种植于中等大小的树上和灌木丛。特别推荐给园艺种植者。
·         Clematis tangutica - Golden Clematis. A delightful, easily grown climber that grows up to 3-5 m. Nodding, yellow campanulate flowers, composed of four tepals, are borne on long, downy stalks during summer (June-August), the later ones intermingled with decorative silky seedheads. At the end of September the plant retreats into winter dormancy and the leaves wither. 
Clematis tangutica- Golden Clematis。这是一种讨人喜欢的又种植简单的品种,能攀爬到3-5米高。花朵为黄色钟状,花朵朝下,由四片被片组成,于6-8月开放在长满绒毛的长长的茎干上。花后会结装饰性强的光滑果实。到了9月末,叶子开始凋谢,植物进入冬眠。
Similar in looks, but more valuable are cultivars included in the Tangutica Group (they tend to have bigger flowers, bloom more profusely and over a longer period while the foliage can stay green even up to the end of October), created by crosses between Clematis tangutica, Clematis orientalis and Clematis intricata, Clematis ispahanica, Clematis ladakhiana, Clematis serratifolia, Clematis tibetiana. They are healthy, hardy plants with low requirements - they tolerate draught but will perform badly in waterlogged soil. Excellent for growing up walls and wire nettings and very effective at screening unattractive views. They are suitable for all kinds of gardens as well as for growing in public places. 
一些品种看上去很相似,但是大多有价值的栽培品种都包括在属the Tangutica Group里(这类铁线莲花朵稍大,开花时十分茂盛,绿叶可持续到十月末),是Clematis tangutica, Clematis orientalis 和 Clematis intricata, Clematis ispahanica, Clematis ladakhiana, Clematis serratifolia, Clematis tibetiana杂交品种。此品种很耐寒而且健壮,对生长环境要求很低-它可以在较湿的土壤中生存,但是在浸满水的土壤中表现很差。在金属网,墙上生长的非常好而且能在不引人注意的风景中给人留下深刻印象。这个品种能在任何花园中生长,并且可以种植于公共场所。
The most valuable cultivars include: 'Anita' - masses of white flowers in summer and autumn, it reaches up to 4,5 m; 'Aureolin' - large elongated bright yellow flowers, grows up to 2-3 m, 'Bill MacKenzie' - the most vigorous of the lot, with yellow, partially open flowers from early summer until first frosts and green foliage from April to the beginning of November; 'Grace' with creamy-white flowers, up to 3,5 m; 'Helios' - pale yellow open flowers, grows up to 3 m. 'Lambton Park' is the most attractive and the longest-flowering cultivar from the Tangutica Group - vigorous (up to 4-5 m), with the bulged, slightly open deep yellow flowers. Reaching up to 5 m 'Last Dance' (syn. 'Orange Peel') has greenish-blue foliage and orange-yellow flowers developing in autumn. 
最珍贵的品种包括:'Anita' –在夏秋季会开出很多白色小花,可生长至4-5米;'Aureolin'- 亮黄色细长的花朵,可生长至2-3米。'Bill MacKenzie'是生命力最旺盛的品种,在初夏开始开黄花,持续至第一层霜至,绿叶可从4月持续到11月初。'Grace'-开奶白色花,生长至3-5米。'Helios'-浅黄色张开的花朵,生长可至3米。'Lambton Park'是the Tangutica Group中最吸引人以及花期最长的品种,长4-5米,带深黄色鼓胀的微开的花朵。'Last Dance' 长达5米,在秋天有蓝绿色的叶子,开出橘黄色的花朵。
·         Clematis terniflora - Sweet Autumn Clematis. A vigorous Japanese cultivar, often forming a dense tangle of growth. Very popular in the United States. A late flowering variety bearing during September-November a profusion of small, star-shaped, sweetly scented white flowers. Requires a sunny, hot position with a tall, strong support - it may not flower at all during cool summers or when grown in a shaded position. 
·         Clematis terniflora - Sweet Autumn Clematis. 日本品种,生命力旺盛,缠绕着生长,在美国十分流行。晚花品种,在9-10月开出大量的星状,带有甜香的白色小花。适合在炎热阳光充足,且有高大支撑物的地方生长。生长在凉夏或阴蔽的地方会不开花。
·         The Texensis Group - obtained by crossbreeding Clematis texensis (Scarlet Clematis) with large-flowered varieties. Cultivars from this group grow up to 3 m and bear unusual, shaped like lily-flowered tulips on new growth from June to August. As with all perennials, their previous year's shoots tend to die down completely, so the plants should be hard-pruned close to the ground in March. New stems will grow from the underground part. Best grown in a sunny, warm and sheltered position. Vulnerable to attack from powdery mildew.
Cultivars: 'Duchess of Albany', 'Etoile Rose', 'Gravetye Beauty', 'Odoriba', 'Princess Diana', 'Sir Trevor Lawrence'. 
·         The Texensis Group 由大花品种Clematis texensis (Scarlet Clematis)杂交而成。在6-8月在当年生枝条上开出罕见的百合型郁金香状的花朵,植株长3米。尽管是多年生草本植物,它前一年的嫩枝全部死亡。所以在3月,必须对所有植株从基部进行强剪。新枝会从地下生长起来。最佳生长环境:阳光充足,温暖且有遮蔽的地方。易感染白粉病。
·         品种有:'Duchess of Albany', 'Etoile Rose', 'Gravetye Beauty', 'Odoriba', 'Princess Diana', 'Sir Trevor Lawrence'.
·         Clematis x triternata 'Rubromarginata'. A vigorous, slender-stemmed climber, up to 5 m. Fragrant flowers, up to 3-4 cm across, are pale violet-pink with a white eye and reddish-violet margins. In full bloom, during July-August, masses of blossoms give effect of dark billowing clouds. Thrives best in a sunny, warm and sheltered position. 
Clematis x triternata 'Rubromarginata' 是一种生长旺盛,枝条纤细的攀爬类植物,可长至5米。有花香,花径3-4cm,花朵为浅紫粉色带有白色花蕊和紫红色边缘。在7-8月的盛花期,盛开时像翻腾的云海。最佳生存条件:阳光充足,温暖且有遮蔽的地方。
·         Clematis vitalba - Traveler's Joy or Old Man's Beard. A rampant, up to 10 m, familiar climber. Masses of small (2 cm across) creamy-white flowers, borne in panicles, in July-September, followed by glistening, silky seedheads that remain on the plant throughout the winter. Native to Europe, a fully hardy plant, immune to diseases. The Cultivars comprising the Vitalba Group were obtained through crossbreeding Traveler's Joy with other species. The most valuable of them is arguably Clematis 'Paul Farges' ('SUMMER SNOW') which is a hybrid of Clematis vitalba and Clematis potanini. It's a charming, very vigorous (up to 7 m), almost rampant cultivar with attractive dark green foliage persisting well into early November. In summer and autumn small (4-5 cm across), star-shaped, slightly scented creamy white flowers are abundantly scattered over the whole plant. A healthy, very hardy clematis with low requirements, particularly useful for covering tall fences or unsightly buildings. Grow in a sunny spot to get the best of the scent. 
·         Clematis vitalba - Traveler's Joy or Old Man's Beard. 生长非常繁茂,是非常熟练的攀爬者,长10米,7-9月开茂密的奶白色圆锥花簇,小花(花径2cm),光滑有光泽的果实会一直持续生长到冬季。这个品种来自欧洲,十分耐寒,对许多疾病免疫。the Vitalba Group中的品种是由Traveler's Joy(葡萄叶铁线莲)和其他品种杂交而成。其中,最珍贵的是Clematis 'Paul Farges' ('SUMMER SNOW'),由Clematis vitalba 和 Clematis potanini.杂交而成。此类花非常的迷人也很强健,能生长至7米,深绿色的叶子能一直持续到11月初。在夏天和秋天,整棵植株上会长出许多星状的带有淡香的奶白色小花(花径4-5cm)。这是一种很健壮耐寒,对生长环境要求很低的植物,经常用来装饰不好看的大厦表面和高高的篱笆。生长在阳光下效果达到最佳。
·         Clematis viticella - Italian Clematis. A slender climber reaching up to 4 m, with dainty, small (4-5 cm across), deep violet flowers. Hybrids of this species are sufficiently hardy with variously colored blooms, up to 7 cm in diameter, borne from June to September. Cultivars produced by crosses between Italian Clematis and other clematis varieties form the Viticella Group. 
These cultivars are not only healthier and less demanding but they also stay decorative over a longer period than large-flowered Clematis. Therefore they are excellent plants for beginning gardeners, and for those who lack time for garden work. Superb for growing up fences, wire nettings, arbors and pergolas, or scrambling through trees and shrubs. In the midst of bloom the sight of plants covered with billowing clouds of flowers is truly charming. 
·         Clematis viticella - Italian Clematis. 细长的枝干长达4米,有着紫罗兰色,高雅,美丽的小花(花径4-5cm)。
·         这类品种的杂交体在6-9月开花,有着非常多的花色,花径可达7cm。此品种有意大利铁线莲与the Viticella Group.中的铁线莲杂交而成。这类铁线莲不仅无疾病,对生长环境要求低,而且比一般的大花铁线莲开花时间长。因此这类品种非常的优秀很适合园艺种植的初学者,和那些没有时间打理花草的人。在篱笆,网状物,藤架,和棚架内效果极佳,还适合攀爬于低矮的树木和灌木上。在开花的中期景象尤为壮观。
·         The following are considered to be among the most valuable cultivars in the group: 'Abundance', 'Alba Luxurians', 'Betty Corning', 'Brocade', campaniflora, 'Carmencita', 'Emilia Plater', 'Etoile Violette', 'Hanna', 'John Treasure', 'Kermesina', 'Little Nell', 'Mme Julia Correvon', 'Mikelite', 'Minuet', 'Night Veil', 'Pagoda', 'Polish Spirit', 'Prince Charles', 'Purpurea Plena Elegans', 'Royal Velours', 'Słowianka', 'Solina', 'Tango', 'Venosa Violacea'. 
·         以下为此类型中最珍贵的品种:'Abundance', 'Alba Luxurians', 'Betty Corning', 'Brocade', campaniflora, 'Carmencita', 'Emilia Plater', 'Etoile Violette', 'Hanna', 'John Treasure', 'Kermesina', 'Little Nell', 'Mme Julia Correvon', 'Mikelite', 'Minuet', 'Night Veil', 'Pagoda', 'Polish Spirit', 'Prince Charles', 'Purpurea Plena Elegans', 'Royal Velours', 'Słowianka', 'Solina', 'Tango', 'Venosa Violacea'. 
·         These perennial species with raised, non-clinging stems, similar to those of a climbing rose are a valuable yet still little known Clematis group.
·         这些具有非缠绕性攀缘茎的多年生品种和那些藤本月季一样是非常珍贵的,虽然在铁线莲种中不怎么被人了解。
·         Clematis heracleifolia - Tube Clematis. A herbaceous perennial with raised, stiff stems, up to 1 m. Small (2-5 cm across), tubular, sweetly scented, blue-mauve flowers are produced from July to September in large clusters similar to that of a hyacinth, located in the leaf axils. Ideal for scrambling through herbaceous perennials and shrubs. Cultivars created by crosses between this species and other clematis comprise the Heracleifolia Group. The most valuable among them are Clematis 'Praecox', 'Mrs. Robert Brydon' and 'New Love'.
Clematis heracleifolia Tube Clematis. 是一种多年生草本植物,树干坚硬上升,有1米长。在7-9月在叶腋上会开出如风信子般蓝紫色的簇拥花束,小花(花径2-5cm)。适合攀爬与多年生草本植物和灌木中。这类铁线莲由此品种与the Heracleifolia Group中的品种杂交而成。其中最珍贵的为Clematis 'Praecox', 'Mrs. Robert Brydon' 和 'New Love'.
Clematis jouiniana 'Praecox'. Raised as a hybrid of Traveler's Joy (Clematis vitalba) and Tube Clematis (Clematis heracleifolia), it's the best ground cover clematis that makes a welcome addition to every garden. Its large dark green leaves, trifoliate with coarsely toothed leaflets, spread densely over the ground. Stems grow rampantly (3-4 m of annual growth), and in just a few weeks cover the ground with a thick carpet, thus inhibiting weeds and preventing soil from excessive heating and drying out. In June and July the plant covers with masses of small, 3-4 cm across, pinkish-mauve flowers, gathered in large panicles. It's sufficiently hardy. The pruning should be hard or moderate, depending on the area to cover. 
Clematis jouiniana 'Praecox'.由Traveler's Joy (Clematis vitalba) 和 Tube Clematis (Clematis heracleifolia)杂交而成,这是一种在每个花园中很受欢迎的地被铁线莲。它深绿色带小齿轮状的叶子茂盛的覆盖整个地面。枝条茁壮生长(每年生长3-4米),在几星期内,地面就像被一层厚厚的地毯覆盖了,从而有效的防止了杂草和水土流失。在6,7月时,植物上海外那个长出3,4厘米大小的紫粉色花朵,成圆锥花簇,这类铁线莲十分耐寒。修剪时必须根据实际覆盖的区域适度修剪。
If you are limited by space you can use a less rampant 'Mrs. Robert Brydon'. Growing up to 2 m annually it has violet-blue flowers and lustrous deep green leaves that are bigger than those of 'Praecox'. 'New Love' PBR is characterized by its upright compact growth habit and violet-blue, fragrant flowers. 
如果你的种植范围有限,你可以选择种植'Mrs. Robert Brydon'.它每年生长2米,花朵为蓝紫色,叶子为深绿色,很有光泽,比'Praecox'.的花大。'New Love' PBR以其蓝紫色,带有香味的花和垂直生长的树干闻名。
Clematis integrifolia - Solitary Clematis. A slender-stemmed, scrambling perennial with stems up to 60 cm. From June to September the plant covers with bell-shaped nodding violet flowers with recurving tepals. Depending on a variety, flowers can be blue, violet, white or pink.
It's a hardy perennial that dies down to the ground each year and survives the winter on food stored in specialized underground stems. Dead stems should be cut out in early spring. As a support you can use neighboring plants, bamboo sticks or stakes, or alternatively you can let it trail along the ground 
Clematis integrifolia - Solitary Clematis.树干细长,不规则生长的多年生茎长达60厘米。6月-9月,植物开出,铃状,紫罗兰色花朵,被片反卷。 此品种有蓝色,紫色,白色和粉色四种颜色。此类植物能耐寒,每年地面部分枯死,冬天靠地下根存储的营养供给生存。树干死亡后在来年早春进行修剪。种植者可以用竹子,木头等东西固定支撑铁线莲或者可以放任它蔓延铺倒在地面上。
Hybrids produced by crosses between this species and other clematis form the Integrifolia Group. Though still little known, they are very valuable and attractive on the basis of their long and profuse flowering, healthiness hardiness and easy culture. They adapt well to all the familiar garden uses and can be successfully grown on balconies and terraces but also in public places. They are non-clinging in habit with the stems, depending on a variety, between 40 to 200 cm long,but will meander through a border and amongst existing plants in a delightful manner, adding interest to shrubs that have finished flowering (e.g. azaleas that flower beautifully but shortly in early spring, and afterwards they form a monotonous mass of green until the autumn when its leaves variegate), or providing a contrast of color and form. Clematis from this group are charming companions for border roses and other shrubs, invaluable for creating groups and borders. When grown without support, they will spread out over the ground creating attractive covers. 
杂交品种由这个品种和the Integrifolia Group属中的铁线莲品种杂交而成。虽然很少有人知道此品种,但是此类铁线莲花朵繁茂非常迷人,花期很长,耐寒,耐虫能力强,容易栽培。它们不仅适合与花园种植,而且也亦适合种植于阳台,台阶以及公共场所。他们不依附自己的树干,而是以优美的形态缠绕在已有的植株上,以一种讨人喜欢的配植方式增加已经停止开花的灌木的观赏价值(例如,azaleas开花是十分美丽但是只在早春开花,而且花期很短,然后以大片单调的绿色存在直到秋天树叶凋谢),以与被依附植株形成对比的颜色和形态存在。这类型的铁线莲是玫瑰和其他灌木植物的完美配衬,如果种植成片的铁线莲及玫瑰等植物,则景象壮观美丽。当它们没有支持物时,他们会在地面上蔓延,成为一种迷人的地被植物。
The following list comprises some of the most valuable hybrids: 'Alba', 
'Alionushka', x aromatica, 'Arabella' (1994), 'Blue Boy', 'Bluish Violet', x durandii, x diversifolia 'Hendersonii', 'Hakuree', 'Hanajima', 'Inspiration', 'Juuli', 'Lord Herschell', 'Olgae', 'Pamiat Serdtsa', 'Rooguchi', 'Rosea'. 
'Alionushka', x aromatica, 'Arabella' (1994), 'Blue Boy', 'Bluish Violet', x durandii, x diversifolia 'Hendersonii', 'Hakuree', 'Hanajima', 'Inspiration', 'Juuli', 'Lord Herschell', 'Olgae', 'Pamiat Serdtsa', 'Rooguchi', 'Rosea'. 
Clematis mandshurica - A herbaceous perennial reaching up to 1,5 m, and forming masses of small (1,5 cm across), star-shaped and slightly scented white flowers, from July to September. Grow in a sunny spot to bring out the best scent. 
Clematis mandshurica 是一种高达1.5米的多年生草本植物,•   在7-9月会生长出星状,带有清香的小花(花径1.5cm)。在阳光下生长会营造出最好的效果。
Clematis recta - Ground Clematis. A Polish herbaceous perennial, growing up to 1 m, with frail stems crawling along the ground. During July and August it produces abundant masses of small (1,5 cm across), creamy white, sweetly scented flowers. Suitable for growing on perennial borders and scrambling through shrubs. 
•     Clematis recta - Ground Clematis. 这是一种来自波兰的多年生草本植物,高约1米,柔弱的茎分散的匍匐在地面。7-8月,植株会生长出大量奶白色的,带有甜甜花香的小花(花径1.5cm)。这类植物适合配植在多年生植物边缘或攀爬于灌木丛中。


养花最烦人的地方除了蚊子多还有一个就是容易长小飞虫,由于这种虫子是黑色的,故养花人更喜欢叫它小黑飞。 小黑飞是
鲜花的食用用在烹饪中,由来以久,把鲜花点缀或加入食物中,使菜肴更加精致,绿色的感觉还带着鲜花的芳香。 注意:鲜
想做园艺自媒体的朋友想知道,盆景园艺究竟属于什么分类?盆景园艺没有一个固定的界限,可以分为一下几种: 1.三农类的
